Our Story
At Timecounts, we believe in empowering leaders of volunteers to create change.

Made for organizers by organizers.
Timecounts was founded in 2012 with the goal of providing leaders of volunteers with beautiful, modern software that is a joy to use.
Most organizers have felt the pain of using spreadsheets or hacked-together solutions to recruit and schedule volunteers because the alternative was either outdated or lacked flexibility.
After decades mobilizing volunteers for both local grassroots projects and large-scale, global campaigns such as Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Day and Twestival, Amanda Rose set out to build a better solution - Timecounts.
"Timecounts is my one-stop solution for managing volunteer programs at film festivals and other events. The clean web interface is easy for new users and those not computer savvy. It allows our team to communicate quickly and efficiently."
Jon Gann
Chief Strategist
Reel Plan, Washington DC
Chief Strategist
Reel Plan, Washington DC
Timecounts is the fastest growing software company for volunteer management for a reason.
Average time it takes to switch to Timecounts (and often less).
Organizations see a jump in new volunteers recruitment in their first year of using Timecounts.
Organizations say Timecounts is easier to use than their previous software.