Track and Report

Credit hours and move your mission forward with insights.

Let Timecounts do the heavy lifting to log volunteer time, track scheduled hours, and run reports.

Timecounts has been a great resource for our nonprofit. I use it daily to determine who is applying for roles, which volunteers are signing up for various weekly shifts, and to create monthly volunteer schedules. I also love being able to easily retrieve volunteer contact information. It is an essential tool for our volunteer program.
Melanie Mitchell Volunteer and Donations Coordinator
ACCESS Shelter, Akron, Ohio

Keep track of volunteer time

If you use Timecounts to schedule your opportunities, the hours will automatically move to the Track tab for approval. No need to manually enter data.

Log ad hoc time

For activities not scheduled in Timecounts or opportunities that don't fit a specific timeframe, you can let volunteers log their own time for approval

Check-in Kiosk

Give volunteers an easy way to let you know when they start and end their shifts.

Run reports, view leaderboard and report card

There are all types of reports you can customize

Export volunteer hours and custom data

Need to export a report to share with your stakeholders?

Next, learn about

with Timecounts
