
Get the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

Let volunteers self-schedule or assign directly to events and shifts.

The Timecounts team are just wonderful. They are continuously improving the product to make the experience for new and existing volunteers and our staff as user-friendly as possible. We have different types of volunteer opportunities, from one-time events like hosting plant sales to repeating shifts for activities such as watering. The Timecounts software facilitates all of our needs!
Matt Canaran, Project Manager and Volunteer Coordinator
Friends of Allan Gardens, Toronto, Ontario

Ongoing Shift Schedule

Do you publish a regular list of opportunities each week or month? Make your life easier by using the shift schedule and copy weekly, then publish and announce when new shifts are available for signup.

Events, repeating events, and events with shifts

Events can be a one-off opportunity or something that happens regularly.

Schedule the way you want.

Preferences for cancellations, signup cutoff times, waitlist limits, and automation

Visibility controls, Review or Approve.

One of the most loved features of Timecounts is the ability to decide how you wish to confirm volunteers for scheduled opportunities. What they see, when they can sign up, and who can view it.

Group Registration

Do you work with companies or families that want to volunteer together? Group registration is an easy way to assign a larger number of people to an opportunity.

Next, learn about


with Timecounts
